« Последний ответ от csk 13 Ноября 2024, 14:04:58 »
QR 2107 is working. Presently I have 2 instances of it running. Both on the same computer (Win7). 1 instance running on Win7, 1 instance running on XPMode same Win7 computer. QR 2107 is faster than Forexite QR. Connection is faster. There are lot more price updates. Comparing the 1 min chart will show the obvious. I have today stopped Forexite QR. Loosing feed for so many hours is no go for me.
Presently there are 25 symbols.
I wonder if I can offer any help. I notice Gelium can be very busy and this QR project can take up a lot of time. I did programming all the time a BASIC person - AppleSoft Basic, QuickBasic and Visual Basic 6. Did a bit of SWIFT on iOS but didn't progress far. I can take up new learning if I can help in some way to give back what I am receiving.