Спасибо, Gelium. I succeeded in installing TS9.5 on a "clean" (no previous exposure to any version of TS) laptop lent by a friend. Following the instructions literally it installed correctly.
It would not activate using either the posted .bat file (inside the .7z file), the .bat file you attached to Ответ #125, nor to a .bat file I created to correctly refer to the activator.exe file. The posted .bat and your attachment are identical and read:
@echo off
taskkill /F /IM RTSoft.TSx.Activator.exe 2>nul
start RTSoft.TS95.Activator.exe
the .bat file I created reads:
@echo off
taskkill /F /IM TradeStation95Activator.exe 2>nul
start TradeStation95Activator.exe
These .bat files are in the Offline subfolder of the TS9.5 program files.
After running either .bat and then starting TS9.5, I get the logon screen. When I click the button to work offline, I get the message:
"You must logon at least once to activate the service before you can work offline."
This means that the Activator program did NOT activate the TS9.5 installation. With an earlier version of TS, when I got this message I linked the TS (probably 9.1) to QuoteRoom and downloaded data from the forexit website. Once some data came from forexit, the TS installation was activated. This solution to the activation problem is not a good one for two reasons. The latest version of QR (2019.12) may not be compatible with TS 9.5 and my main reason for wanting TS9.5 is my need eventually to go to Windows 10.
Do you have any ideas on why my .bat file doesn't work or other approaches I can take?