Автор Тема: Обо всём на разные темы  (Прочитано 83577 раз)

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Оффлайн Gelium

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« Ответ #140 : 12 Ноября 2023, 06:41:35 »
I found a workaround. I go Format Symbol and change the Last Date to last Fri and the D, W, M charts show.

But it should not be like this because all other symbols that do not have this problem, the last date is current, i.e. today Sun. If I accidentally save the chart with the Last Date setting, I may be seeing stale chart come tomorrow and onwards when I do not realise.

I can't reproduce your problem. Any graphs are built normally.

I doubt that you need real time on daily, weekly and monthly charts. Therefore, generate text files using "ASCII Maker" and build graphs based on text files. You will not have any problems and the problem with zero price will disappear.

Оффлайн Gelium

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« Ответ #141 : 12 Ноября 2023, 06:44:11 »
During weekend only, I cannot open Daily, Weekly and Monthly charts of the following symbols in TS9.1. The message on the chart window is "Waiting for data..."

Try switching worksheet shortcuts. Changing them may result in data loading.

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и новее для работы с сервером Gelium.net
« Ответ #142 : 12 Ноября 2023, 07:16:05 »
During weekend only, I cannot open Daily, Weekly and Monthly charts of the following symbols in TS9.1. The message on the chart window is "Waiting for data..."

Try switching worksheet shortcuts. Changing them may result in data loading.

Did that. Yesterday and today. No luck. I will just not analyse them on weekends.

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и новее для работы с сервером Gelium.net
« Ответ #143 : 12 Ноября 2023, 07:19:42 »
I found a workaround. I go Format Symbol and change the Last Date to last Fri and the D, W, M charts show.

But it should not be like this because all other symbols that do not have this problem, the last date is current, i.e. today Sun. If I accidentally save the chart with the Last Date setting, I may be seeing stale chart come tomorrow and onwards when I do not realise.

I can't reproduce your problem. Any graphs are built normally.

I doubt that you need real time on daily, weekly and monthly charts. Therefore, generate text files using "ASCII Maker" and build graphs based on text files. You will not have any problems and the problem with zero price will disappear.

The idea is not to have to build "non-native" data sets if there is already available data. Not an issue if can't identify the problem. I can create separate workspaces for these symbols specifically for weekend use by adjusting the Last Date.

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и новее для работы с сервером Gelium.net
« Ответ #144 : 12 Ноября 2023, 07:24:30 »
I recall a similar problem when I was with Telerate. At that time was still the Cruz brothers and the version was TS4.0. They were not ready for international use with data from different part of the world (read time-zone). So we always had problem with 24-hour FX data.

I suspected this problem I am having with some symbols may be a time-zone issue so on another computer I set time zone to UTC (GMT). DAX and UKZ loads. The other still no.

UTC + 1 and the problem with the stated symbols return.

No problem. I will work around.

Оффлайн Gelium

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и новее для работы с сервером Gelium.net
« Ответ #145 : 12 Ноября 2023, 12:30:08 »
The idea is not to have to build "non-native" data sets if there is already available data. Not an issue if can't identify the problem. I can create separate workspaces for these symbols specifically for weekend use by adjusting the Last Date.

What difference does it make how the data gets into Tradestation? From the QR or from a text file that is created using data from the QR? Charts are built without problems. Real time for weekly or monthly data is not needed. If you need real time on daily charts, build 1440 minute charts.

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и новее для работы с сервером Gelium.net
« Ответ #146 : 12 Ноября 2023, 13:17:35 »
The idea is not to have to build "non-native" data sets if there is already available data. Not an issue if can't identify the problem. I can create separate workspaces for these symbols specifically for weekend use by adjusting the Last Date.

What difference does it make how the data gets into Tradestation? From the QR or from a text file that is created using data from the QR? Charts are built without problems. Real time for weekly or monthly data is not needed. If you need real time on daily charts, build 1440 minute charts.

It is only a weekend problem and these symbols are not trading. Like I said, I can create special workspaces and change the Last Date. They is really no need to unnecessarily create data that already exist. Or I can use the data from MT4/MetaServerRT/GlobalServer.

It is okay like I said no issue. I shall not clog up the airwave. Thanks anyway.

Оффлайн stividor

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2 Gelium
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Оффлайн Gelium

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2 Gelium
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Спасибо. Мне приходят уведомления от мониторинга. Перебои с электричеством. Свободного бесперебойника на месте нет.

Оффлайн Gelium

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