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Оффлайн Dm

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и XPO
« Ответ #10 : 27 Августа 2024, 04:13:56 »
Hi csk,
Спасибо за ответ.
При запуске QR появляется окно -

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и XPO
« Ответ #11 : 27 Августа 2024, 06:06:09 »
Hi csk,
Thanks for the reply.
When running QR a window appears -

Hi Dm,

Memory started to come back. I think quite long ago, Forexite QuoteRoom (FQR) required at least a virtual account to login to use. Along the way as I upgraded the versions, there was no longer a need for FQR to login.

Maybe, just maybe you running an older versions? If so, here is a direct link to download FQRv2021.08:

IMPORTANT: Do not go to Forexite download webpage. It is infected with a malware that prompt to download a fake "new update" (actually a virus to infect your computer) to your browser, whatever browser. Be careful. The direct link above bypass the download webpage.

Оффлайн csk

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« Ответ #12 : 27 Августа 2024, 06:21:34 »

Be careful of virus and malware:

Оффлайн Gelium

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и XPO
« Ответ #13 : 27 Августа 2024, 13:41:53 »
Be careful of virus and malware:

Thank you. Forwarded to Forexite.

Оффлайн Dm

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и XPO
« Ответ #14 : 28 Августа 2024, 03:22:32 »
Hi csk,
Большое спасибо за помощь. Скачал QR по вашей ссылке, установил поверх старой версии и связка QuoteRoom - GlobalServer – ProSuite опять заработала, на что я уже и не надеялся.
Осталось заполнить пробел в истории – период с 21.06.2024 по сегодняшний день.
В настройках QR - Forexite History Server, нужный интервал – нужные даты, ввести не получилось, не реагирует. Возможно дело в старом компе на котором все стоит?

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и XPO
« Ответ #15 : 28 Августа 2024, 06:37:00 »
Thank you very much for your help. I downloaded QR from your link, installed it over the old version and the QuoteRoom - GlobalServer - ProSuite bundle started working again, which I hadn't expected.

I am glad it is working for you now.

All that's left is to fill in the gap in the history - the period from 06/21/2024 to the present day.

I can help. But first, there are things I have changed. Since there is no longer XPO files download and if there is a need for patching of data gap (in case of power failure, computer issues, etc.) I have to rely on Forexsite's ASCII data files to patch the data. The symbols in the Forexite's files are all in Forexite symbology, example, USDJPY instead of JPY A0-FX. So, I have changed all symbols in Global Server to match Forexite symbology and also updated all my charts accordingly, example, load data for USDJPY instead of JPY A0-FX.

If you are okay with this change then I will upload the Server folder from my computer to a website for you to download. This Server folder contains all the symbols settings and all the symbol price data. You just need to rename your Server folder in the Omega Research program folder since it will not be used. You can keep it for your backup.  Copy my Server folder into Omega Research program folder.

Please let me know.

In the QR settings - Forexite History Server, the required interval - the required dates, I couldn't enter it, it doesn't respond. Maybe it's because of the old computer on which everything is installed?

There is a bug there. It is actually a calendar dropdown but it looks like textbox. Click on the space to the right of the YYYY where the dropdown icon is invincible and a calendar will pop up. In any way, that XPO download feature no longer work now since XPO files are no longer available. The other tab feature for text files download still work though but not intended for Global Server. This are the text files I use to convert to XPO and patch data gap, per mentioned above.

Оффлайн Dm

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и XPO
« Ответ #16 : 29 Августа 2024, 02:28:56 »
Hi csk,
Спасибо за помощь и то решение, которое вы предлагаете.
Прежде чем идти по этому пути, хотелось бы понять некоторые вещи, а именно:
1. Что будет с историей уже загруженной в GS (за 25+ лет), будет ли Омега по прежнему строить графики на ее основе так же, как строила до переименования  JPY A0-FX в USDJPY? Или для нормальной работы Омеги после переименования символов, придется загружать историю в текстовом формате ASCII за те же 25+ лет?
2. Насколько я понимаю, данные, которые Forexite продолжает транслировать и на которых снова заработала связка QuoteRoom - GlobalServer – ProSuite, по прежнему идут в формате XPO? Наверное я чего то не понимаю, но если XPO по прежнему транслируются, нельзя ли их каким то образом скачать напрямую, например с помощью той же QR?
3. Вариант, который устроил бы больше всего, на сегодня представляется так –
использование QuoteRoom - GlobalServer – ProSuite – без внесения изменений, благо сейчас все работает так же как работало раньше, + скачивание файлов в формате ASCII с сайта Forexite, их конвертация в ХРО и закачка в GS. Хотелось бы понять насколько возможно такое?

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и XPO
« Ответ #17 : 29 Августа 2024, 03:52:28 »
Hi Dm,

Below are answers to your questions. This will not be necessary should you switch to TradeStation 9.x and use Gelium's QuoteRoom or Forexite QuoteRoom. Dataset are different. I do not know how long more will Forexite continue to broadcast data.

1. What will happen to the history already loaded into GS (for 25+ years), will Omega still build charts on its basis in the same way as it did before renaming JPY A0-FX to USDJPY? Or for Omega to work normally after renaming the symbols, will it be necessary to load the history in ASCII text format for the same 25+ years?

Renaming the symbols will not affect the 25+ years data already in Global Server. They still exist as before. Only symbol change. TradeStation chart will still load the same data from Global Server as normal.

2. As far as I understand, the data that Forexite continues to broadcast and on which the QuoteRoom - GlobalServer - ProSuite bundle started working again, is still in the XPO format? Maybe I don't understand something, but if XPO is still broadcast, is it possible to somehow download them directly, for example using the same QR?

Forexite realtime data are transmitted in their own format, not XPO. Upon received at the computer, 2 things happen:

a) QuoteRoom convert the realtime data and directly update to Global Server continuously. No XPO is broadcast.
b) If History Database is enabled, QuoteRoom will also update to a database that TradeStation 9.x can read.

Gelium also host another version of QuoteRoom that get data from his data server and update to the TradeStation 9.x compliant database like (b) above.

3. The option that would suit me best today seems to be using QuoteRoom - GlobalServer - ProSuite - without making any changes, since now everything works the same way as before, + downloading files in ASCII format from the Forexite website, converting them to XPO and uploading them to GS. I would like to understand how possible this is?

If you only need Daily data and now there is a gap from 21 Jun, you can import from ASCII text file to Global Server for the missing days. You can keep the same symbol names. QR and GS running everyday 24x7 non stop to update. If you stop there will be a gaps and the daily high low will not be complete.

For intraday data (1min and/or 5min) you are out of luck. This will start updating from now. Converting from text files to XPO requires XPO convertion software.

Оффлайн Dm

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QuoteRoom build 2006 и XPO
« Ответ #18 : 29 Августа 2024, 14:46:12 »
Hi csk,
Большое вам спасибо за помощь!
Хотел бы уточнить такой момент. Если пойти по пути который вы предлагаете –

I can help. But first, there are things I have changed. Since there is no longer XPO files download and if there is a need for patching of data gap (in case of power failure, computer issues, etc.) I have to rely on Forexsite's ASCII data files to patch the data. The symbols in the Forexite's files are all in Forexite symbology, example, USDJPY instead of JPY A0-FX. So, I have changed all symbols in Global Server to match Forexite symbology and also updated all my charts accordingly, example, load data for USDJPY instead of JPY A0-FX.

If you are okay with this change then I will upload the Server folder from my computer to a website for you to download. This Server folder contains all the symbols settings and all the symbol price data. You just need to rename your Server folder in the Omega Research program folder since it will not be used. You can keep it for your backup.  Copy my Server folder into Omega Research program folder.

Please let me know.

то что делать при возникновении(потенциальном) аналогичной проблемы в будущем, например по моей вине. Есть ли способ заполнять возникающие разрывы своими силами?

Оффлайн csk

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« Ответ #19 : 29 Августа 2024, 15:49:58 »
what to do if a similar problem (potential) arises in the future, for example due to my fault. Is there a way to fill the gaps that arise on my own?

You will need an XPO converter to fill the gaps on your own.

Consider using TS 9.x. You do not have this problem. If you have data gap, QR can patch it. Forexite had wanted to stop the QR data feed back in Nov 2022 but they continue. Now they stopped XPO. We will not know how long more Forexite will continue. Gelium now has his version of QR that works with TS9.x and his own data server.