Автор Тема: ProSuite + XPO  (Прочитано 63283 раз)

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Оффлайн Gelium

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #80 : 26 Сентября 2024, 06:42:47 »
Большое спасибо. Заранее извините, но с этим, без дополнительных пояснений - "где и как", думаю сам не справлюсь.

Закачайте свой каталог Server в архиве в сеть. Скиньте ссылку.

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #81 : 26 Сентября 2024, 10:44:01 »
I am building up the Server database with Forexite data up to 31Dec2023 and then your XPO files from 1Jan2024. I realise I need to change my session time, or at least the session END time, so that the DAILY data will not have double.

I explain:
1) In realtime, Global Server build the daily data from the realtime feed based on the session time I set. My session GMT is 22:00 to 21:59. Exchange 0:00 to 23:59. I can change them to sync with yours.
2) If the session time you use to build the DAILY files in the XPO are different then when I import I will get double data, one for 22:00 to 21:59 and the other for your session time. See screenshot.

Оффлайн Gelium

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #82 : 26 Сентября 2024, 14:13:56 »
I am building up the Server database with Forexite data up to 31Dec2023 and then your XPO files from 1Jan2024. I realise I need to change my session time, or at least the session END time, so that the DAILY data will not have double.

Your order of actions:

1. Export Day record data to XPO for the period when there is no minute data.
2. Delete Day record.
3. Add Day record. GS rebuilds daily bars.
4. Import missing data from XPO.

It is better not to build charts based on Day record, because there is a bug in GS due to which there is a separate Day record based on imported data, a separate Day record based on data received in real time. Therefore, build charts for 1140 minutes, if you do not want to look at something unclear. Or build charts based on text files.

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #83 : 26 Сентября 2024, 14:24:55 »
there is a separate Day record based on imported data, a separate Day record based on data received in real time

If the session END time are the same in GS and the XPO daily then there will not be seperate/double Day record. Through trial and error with Forexite XPO download, I found out that they use session time Exchange 0:00 to 23:58. So I set my session time to sync with theirs and there is no double record. The XPO import overwrite the data that GS compile in realtime.

So long the session END time in GS and XPO files are the same.

Using 1 min data to plot longer time frame is not practical for me. I chart monthly and weekly data.

Оффлайн Dm

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #84 : 26 Сентября 2024, 14:33:08 »
Закачайте свой каталог Server в архиве в сеть. Скиньте ссылку.
C - Program Files - Omega Research – Server – этот сервер нужно заархивировать? Если его, то в нем веса(без сжатия) 2,61GB.

Оффлайн Dm

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #85 : 26 Сентября 2024, 14:41:31 »
Using 1 min data to plot longer time frame is not practical for me. I chart monthly and weekly data.
Моя давняя и видимо несбыточная мечта, если бы GS мог строить из 1 мин. графики от 1441 мин. и до Месяца.
А совсем из области фантастики – то же самое, но на основе тиковых данных.

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #86 : 26 Сентября 2024, 14:55:21 »
C - Program Files - Omega Research – Server – этот сервер нужно заархивировать? Если его, то в нем веса(без сжатия) 2,61GB.

It is always a good practice to backup important data. I backup every week on weekends.

Back in the old days when I was using CompuTrac/Apple on the Apple //, everything (programs and data) run from floppy disk. Floppy disk subject to wear very fast. So the community practice then was to have one floppy disk for one day of the week, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. So we have one working four backups. Very tedious.

Now a day, it is a lot simpler. Just copy and save.

Оффлайн csk

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #87 : 27 Сентября 2024, 03:51:43 »
I am building up the Server database with Forexite data up to 31Dec2023 and then your XPO files from 1Jan2024. I realise I need to change my session time, or at least the session END time, so that the DAILY data will not have double.

I explain:
1) In realtime, Global Server build the daily data from the realtime feed based on the session time I set. My session GMT is 22:00 to 21:59. Exchange 0:00 to 23:59. I can change them to sync with yours.
2) If the session time you use to build the DAILY files in the XPO are different then when I import I will get double data, one for 22:00 to 21:59 and the other for your session time. See screenshot.

I went through a few 1 min data to compare with your Open and Close on the Daily. I think you use 00:00 - 23:58 (whereas mine has been changed to 00:00 to 23:59 for the extra min after Forexite ceased their XPO.) This may explain the double data and that the realtime compilation display on the later row (23:59).

I am changing my session end time to 23:58.

Оффлайн Gelium

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QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #88 : 27 Сентября 2024, 06:59:32 »
there is a separate Day record based on imported data, a separate Day record based on data received in real time

If the session END time are the same in GS and the XPO daily then there will not be seperate/double Day record. Through trial and error with Forexite XPO download, I found out that they use session time Exchange 0:00 to 23:58. So I set my session time to sync with theirs and there is no double record. The XPO import overwrite the data that GS compile in realtime.

So long the session END time in GS and XPO files are the same.

Using 1 min data to plot longer time frame is not practical for me. I chart monthly and weekly data.

The ASCII -> XPO converter does not have any Exchange settings and the Exchange settings information is apparently not used to create XPO. I have no way to reconfigure anything.

Оффлайн Gelium

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    • Gelium.net
QuoteRoom build 2006 + ProSuite + XPO
« Ответ #89 : 27 Сентября 2024, 07:00:13 »
Закачайте свой каталог Server в архиве в сеть. Скиньте ссылку.
C - Program Files - Omega Research – Server – этот сервер нужно заархивировать? Если его, то в нем веса(без сжатия) 2,61GB.

Да, этот каталог. Лучше бы сжать архиватором.