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Оффлайн csk

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Поддерживаемые символы - real time + история
« Ответ #40 : 17 Января 2025, 15:29:32 »
There appears to be some development surrounding XRP presently. Is it worth adding it into the portfolio?
Worth it if the good trading volume continues. XRP was a low-liquid shitcoin, with poor technical performance. Perhaps the situation will improve. But the probability of only a temporary improvement in the situation with XRP is high.

May be can take a look again. There are continued market chatter on it.

Оффлайн Gelium

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Поддерживаемые символы - real time + история
« Ответ #41 : 17 Января 2025, 21:09:27 »
May be can take a look again. There are continued market chatter on it.

There's no time for that yet.

Оффлайн Gelium

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Поддерживаемые символы - real time + история
« Ответ #42 : 18 Января 2025, 06:06:04 »
There appears to be some development surrounding XRP presently. Is it worth adding it into the portfolio?
Worth it if the good trading volume continues. XRP was a low-liquid shitcoin, with poor technical performance. Perhaps the situation will improve. But the probability of only a temporary improvement in the situation with XRP is high.

May be can take a look again. There are continued market chatter on it.

The implementation of the Binance service assumes that the user will be able to receive quotes and history for any symbols from Binance. I just don’t know when I’ll finish what I planned.

Оффлайн csk

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Поддерживаемые символы - real time + история
« Ответ #43 : 22 Января 2025, 11:35:12 »
In the meantime, is there a source in the internet where I can download XRP 1 min data?

My broker has XRP in MT5 which I can manually import into GlobalServer ad hoc. The problem is they do not operate on weekends so I do not have Sat and Sun data. If I can find a source, I can patch it.

Оффлайн Gelium

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    • Gelium.net
Поддерживаемые символы - real time + история
« Ответ #44 : 22 Января 2025, 13:16:07 »
In the meantime, is there a source in the internet where I can download XRP 1 min data?

My broker has XRP in MT5 which I can manually import into GlobalServer ad hoc. The problem is they do not operate on weekends so I do not have Sat and Sun data. If I can find a source, I can patch it.
